My Beliefs & My Teachers

My Beliefs

I believe a lot of things. 

I believe that God is real, and bigger than anything we can imagine. 

I believe that God is love, and that every human being if infinitely loved.

I believe that the divine spark rests in each of us. 

I believe that each of us if a representation of the divine nature - every person has something to teach about who God is.

I believe that God exists and resides not only in the high and holy, but in the simple moments of our everyday lives.

I believe that God is not found in one church or one religion, but that every tradition is a story of one way to experience the divine. 

I believe that each tradition has something to teach me about God, and I intend to learn from them. 

believe that God will continue teaching me, and that I will constantly be learning and believing new things. 

My Teachers

Eve taught me the importance of wisdom and the power of giving life to others. 

Moses taught me that all ground is holy ground and that God equips the called.

Gautama Buddha taught me that happiness and salvation come from inside, not from any persons or institutions outside myself. 

Jesus of Nazareth taught me of the importance of standing up for Love - even unto death. 

Jesus Christ taught me - and the earliest Christians - that we are all One. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female” (Galatians 3:28). 

Paul taught me that "nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow" (Romans 8:38).

Martin Luther taught me the importance of upsetting the pot when truth calls. 

John Wesley taught me about grace - grace that we don’t earn, grace that seeks us out, grace that makes us whole. 

Joseph Smith taught me that God answers the humble prayers of young people, and that God is still speaking today. 

Brigham Young taught me that holy men can make mistakes. 

Eliza R. Snow taught me that God speaks to women. 

Elie Wiesel taught me that it's okay to have really big questions. In fact, "Man comes closet to God through the questions he asks." 

These are just some of my teachers. I will have more, and I am so excited to learn from them. 

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