Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Diligence (Oct 2020 Conference Themes)

 This post is part of a series reflecting on October 2020 General Conference. Read the intro here

The first General Conference theme I focused on is diligence

This theme, I feel, came as an answer to a major issue in my life. I hear Elijah’s voice regularly, “How long halt ye between two opinions?” During Conference, I felt like the Lord was gently reminding me - “You have to be constant in your efforts. Choose this day whom you will serve, and do that. Consistent, daily decisions are the path to becoming like Christ. Press forward, push through. Keep going. Doin’t give up.” 

Diligence is basically steady and constant effort and work in the direction of a desired goal. That goal may be something really specific, or as broad as “becoming like Christ.” With anything we want to accomplish, it requires diligence - steady and constant effort and work. This is one meaning of the word faithful - to be faithful is to be committed, constant, and loyal. 

Another key to diligence is persistence - not giving up. We won’t reach our goal with a few days of effort. No, we need to be constant over a long period of time. Press forward, don’t give up. 

Also, I think we can sometimes get overwhelmed by diligence. It seems SO BIG and we have to do it FOREVER?? Well, that’s another piece of good news. The scriptures (and this General Conference) really emphasize that diligence is a marathon not a sprint. We are constant and steady over a long period of time because we rely on “small and simple means.” We know we will not achieve our goal overnight. The Lord says it is not requisite that we run faster than we have strength. And that’s what diligence is about - small, consistent efforts over time. 

One of the most important aspects of diligence (in my opinion), that probably won’t be mentioned in the dictionary, is grace - relying on the Lord’s strengthening power. We will not be able to go on steadily and constantly forever by relying on our own strength. If we want to make it, we need the Lord’s help. 

Here are some synonyms and other keys words associated with diligence: 

Steadfast, Firm, Immovable, Press forward, Endure, Faithful, Patience, Determination, Persistent, Commitment, Continue, Persevere

If you want to learn about diligence, I’d recommend going to the Topical Guide or Index to the Triple Combination and reading verses under those headings. 

The scriptures also promise so many rewards for diligence. Honestly, check them out! 

I think there is one verse that really encapsulates all these aspects of diligence. It’s a classic:

Alright, now that we know what diligence is, what did the speakers at General Conference teach about diligence?

Great question! Here are some quotes about diligence, organized under those five aspects of diligence (Some appear more than once, because they cover multiple categories).

Effort & Work

  • “It takes persistent, rigorous spiritual work…It takes consistent, daily effort” (Pres Russell M. Nelson, “Let God Prevail”)
  • “Maintaining change takes effort” (Becky Craven, “Keep the Change”)
  • “It is always worth the effort to keep trying” (Carlos A. Godoy, “I Believe Angels”)
  • “Such adjustment requires a daily and constant personal effort” (Ulisses S. Soares, “Seek Christ in Every Thought”)
  • “By their faithful endurance and effort, they became more like the Savior and our Heavenly Father” (Henry B. Eyring, “Tested, Proved, Polished”)
  • “Your consistent efforts in this endeavor - even during those moments when you feel that you are not being particularly successful - will change your life, that of your family, and the world” (Jeremy R. Jaggi, “Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work, and Count It All Joy!”)
  • "Commit to exerting meaningful effort. These attributes… will come incrementally while endeavoring…You will need to put in sustained effort. Much like climbing a mountain requires preparation before and endurance and perseverance during ascent, so too will this journey require real effort and sacrifice. True Christianity, in which we strive to become like our Master, has always required our best efforts.” (Scott D. Whiting, “Becoming Like Him”)

Steady & Constant (by small & simple means)

  • “It takes persistent, rigorous spiritual work…It takes consistent, daily effort” (Pres Russell M. Nelson, “Let God Prevail”)
  • "These attributes won’t come cheaply and suddenly, but through His grace they will come incrementally while endeavoring…In order to see real progress, you will need to put in sustained effort. Much like climbing a mountain requires preparation before and endurance and perseverance during ascent, so too will this journey require real effort and sacrifice. True Christianity, in which we strive to become like our Master, has always required our best efforts.” (Scott D. Whiting, “Becoming Like Him”)
  • “Additional aspects of a spiritual foundation…include acting ‘in wisdom and order,’ which implies a gradual buildup…over time, as well as embracing “small and simple” means, which is a demonstration of faith that the Lord will magnify our small but consistent efforts” (W. Christopher Waddell, “There Was Bread”)
  • “We endure to the end by continuing to apply these principles….Our daily choices will either help or hinder our progress. Small but steady, deliberate changes will help us improve.” (Becky Craven, “Keep the Change”)
  • “Your consistent efforts in this endeavor - even during those moments when you feel that you are not being particularly successful - will change your life, that of your family, and the world” (Jeremy R. Jaggi, “Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work, and Count It All Joy!”)
  • ““I may not soon make it to the top, but I can do this next step right now.” Over time the daunting task ultimately became achievable—step by step” (Scott D. Whiting, “Becoming Like Him”)
  • “Such adjustment requires a daily and constant personal effort” (Ulisses S. Soares, “Seek Christ in Every Thought”)
  • “With [God’s] help and our faithfulness and endurance, we will prevail” (Dallin H. Oaks, “Be of Good Cheer”)

Grace (relying on the Lord’s strength and power)

  • “Humbling ourselves and seeking heaven’s inspiration to endure or conquer what is before us will be our safest and surest way to move confidently forward” (M. Russell Ballard, “Watch Ye Therefore, and Pray Always”)
  • “We are never alone in our efforts” (Sharon Eubank, “By Union of Feeling We Obtain Power With God”)
  • “The Lord is ready to assist us in our personal efforts” (Ulisses S. Soares, “Seek Christ in Every Thought”)
  • “The Lord will magnify our small but consistent efforts” (W. Christopher Waddell, “There Was Bread”)
  • “He will send angels to help you” (Carlos A. Godoy, “I Believe Angels”)
  • “Combining our efforts with the Savior’s ability to change us, we become new creatures….In addition to the transforming power of our Savior’s Atonement, the Holy Ghost will support and guide us as we put forth our effort” (Becky Craven, “Keep the Change”)
  • "These attributes won’t come cheaply and suddenly, but through His grace they will come” (Scott D. Whiting, “Becoming Like Him”)
  • “With [God’s] help and our faithfulness and endurance, we will prevail”(Dallin H. Oaks, “Be of Good Cheer”)

At All Times & Unto the End

  • “Such adjustment…takes a lifetime of diligence and faithfulness” (Ulisses S. Soares, “Seek Christ in Every Thought”)
  • “We endure to the end by continuing to apply these principles throughout our lives…Do not become discouraged. Change is a lifelong process” (Becky Craven, “Keep the Change”)

Rewards & Promises

  • “The Lord…promises remarkable blessings if we endure to the end” (Ulisses S. Soares, “Seek Christ in Every Thought”)
  • “Your consistent efforts in this endeavor - even during those moments when you feel that you are not being particularly successful - will change your life, that of your family, and the world” (Jeremy R. Jaggi, “Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work, and Count It All Joy!”)
  • “Our faith will grow as we experiment on the word of God with hope and diligence” (Lisa Harkness, “Peace, Be Still”)
  • “By their faithful endurance and effort, they became more like the Savior and our Heavenly Father” (Henry B. Eyring, “Tested, Proved, Polished”)
  • “With [God’s] help and our faithfulness and endurance, we will prevail” (Dallin H. Oaks, “Be of Good Cheer”)

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