Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Brief Testimony

"Learn to express a brief, heartfelt testimony of our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, and the truths of the restored gospel."

I know that the priesthood is real. I've seen it's power working. I know that the full gospel was restored through Joseph Smith. I know that Heavenly Father hears our sincere prayers. I know that the Savior stands ready to help us whenever we need Him (which is always). I know that He leads this Church, and that all of our leaders are called by Him. I'm thankful for our prophet and apostles. I know that listening to their counsel will help us prosper. I know that they love us, too. I know that Heavenly Father sends people to us - families, ward members and leaders, missionaries. I know that He is in the details of our lives. I know that He cares about us. I know that He wants us home, and that He will help us on our way home. He is so good. His ways are just. His Son shows us the Way. His Atonement makes all things possible.

In His name, Jesus Christ, amen.

You've got the Savior of the world helping you out; how can you fall?

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