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20th Century Fox, 1947 |
All information below is general suggestions and ideas.
Always adapt to your family’s situation and beliefs and the needs of individual children.
Content Warnings:
- Alcohol - drunk Santa, a husband tricks his wife by preparing triple martinis without her consent.
- Coffee
- Tobacco, smoking
- Susan’s parents are divorced before the movie begins.
- Santa Claus, fake Santa’s, Santa as fantasy/myth
- Mild violence - Santa knocks a man on the head with his umbrella
- Santa described as mentally ill, prone to “violent outbursts,” committed to a mental institution, tried for “lunacy”
- Kissing
Discussion Questions
- Kris Kringle complains about the commercialization of Christmas and says no one cares about the real meaning anymore. What do you think is the real meaning of Christmas? How can we remember the real meaning of Christmas amidst all the business of the season?
- Alfred says he enjoys dressing up as Santa and giving presents to children. Why does it feel good to give to others? Who can you help today?
- Mr. Macy says Macy’s will be known as “the friendly store, the helpful store” when they send customers to other stores when they don’t have what the customer is looking for. Why are these important qualities? Gimbel’s store decides to copy this strategy, expanding the “spirit of goodwill.” How do good deeds multiply when one person starts it off? How can you set off a “spirit of goodwill” in your home or community?
- Kris tells Mrs. Walker, "Christmas isn’t just a day; it’s a frame of mind.” What do you think that means? How are our lives different every day because of Christmas?
- Mrs. Walker is very concerned with truth and reason. Why is it important to examine the evidence and learn what is true? Are there some things that can’t be known by rational inquiry? What are some examples?
- Examples of things that can’t be proved with reason include matters of faith in God, trusting or forgiving other people, love, and more.
- At the beginning of the movie, Susan is very serious and doesn’t like “silly,” childish, or imaginative things. Why is it important to keep a childlike spirit? Why are imagination, silliness, and pretending important?
- Susan tried to make a deal with Kris, saying that if he gets her a house, then he’s the real Santa, but if not, he’s “just a nice old man with whiskers.” Kris tells Susan, “Just because every child doesn’t get his wish doesn’t mean there isn’t a Santa Claus.” Susan tried to prove Santa’s identity by gifts. Sometimes we get this way with God - demanding that God answer our prayers or else he’s not God. What’s the danger in this way of thinking? Why might God not answer prayers as we expect?
- Unlike most of the other characters, Mr. Gailey always believes Kris. He is a friend to Kris stands up for him when others don’t. How can we be like Mr. Gailey?
- Mrs. Walker tells Susan at the end of the movie, “Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.” How do you define faith? Why is faith valuable? How do we develop faith?
Scripture Connections
- Christmas. Matthew 1:18-2:14; Luke 2:1-20; 3 Nephi 1:4-21
- Giving, Generosity. Gen 47:15; Deut 15:11, 16:17; Prov 25:21, 28:27; Matt 5:42, 10:8, 19:21, 25:35; Mark 10:21, 12:44; Luke 6:35-38, 14:12-14, 14:13; Acts 20:35; 2 Cor 9:7; Jacob 2:17; Mosiah 4:16, 18:28; Mormon 8:39; D&C 42:31, 52:40, 56:16
- Friendliness. 1 Sam 18:1; Prov 17:17, 18:24, 27:17; Luke 14:12-14
- Helpfulness. Gen 2:18; Ex 2:17; Deut 22:4; Moses 3:18; Abraham 5:14
- Gen 2:18 - Research the original Hebrew word usually translated as “helpmeet.” Use BibleHub.com to see where else this word is used in the Bible.
- Truth. Deut 32:4; Ps 51:6; Prov 8:7, 12:19; John 8:32, 8:44; 1 John 4:1; Jacob 4:13; Ether 3:12; Moroni 10:4; D&C 1:39, 50:40, 88:40, 88:66, 93:24, 93:30, 93:36
- Believe, Faith. Gen 15:6; 2 Chron 20:20; Hab 2:4; Matt 8:10-13, 17:20, 9:28; Mark 5:36, 9:23-24; Luke 8:50; John 3:16, 11:27, 12:36, 12:47, 20:25-29; Rom 4:12-18; 1 Cor 13:7; 2 Cor 5:7; Eph 2:8, 6:16; 2 Tim 1:12; 2 Tim 4:7; Heb 11:1-12:2; James 1:5-6; 2 Nephi 31:19; Enos 1:8; Alma 32:21; Hel 8:15; D&C 46:14; Moses 6:23
Ideas for Further Study
- Learn about the history of Santa Claus and St. Nicholas.
- In this movie, Santa is known as Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, and Sinterklaas. Learn about different names for Santa in other countries.
- The movie begins with Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Research the history of this annual tradition.
- The movie includes a court trial. Learn about court and the judicial process.
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