As a first-time mom, pregnant kind of took me by surprise! The nausea, fatigue, and growing belly were all expected, but still took some getting used to. Today I'm sharing what got me through this pregnancy.
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McDonald's fries and McFlurries
I LIVED on these in the first trimester. The food aversions were so real.
Ensure Clear
When food aversions made it hard for me to get good nutrition, I relied on Ensure Clear. I couldn't stomach creamy drinks, so the clear version was a lifesaver. These drinks include protein, carbs, and a variety of vitamins and minerals to make up for what I couldn't get in solids.
I liked Mixed Fruit and Blueberry Pomegranate.
Maternity Motherhood Panties
I loved these bikini cut panties. They are so comfy. Maternity Motherhood sells three styles of maternity panties - v-cut, folder, or high cut (over the belly). My favorite was the under-the-belly v-cut.
Dr. Teals Epsom Salts