Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A New Thing

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? 
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” 
Isaiah 43:19

God is always doing new things. God has been doing some new things in my life for several years now - always taking me somewhere I didn’t expect to go.

I began this blog as a place to recount my adventures as a young Mormon woman.

Then, I left the church, and religion altogether.

Then, God started pulling me back to something more, something new, something deeper.

Recently, God set me up as a teacher to Methodist children. Much of what I read now is from a Methodist perspective. I study Methodist theology in depth, digesting it enough to simplify it so first graders can understand.

Other than that, I read books authored by Baptists, Jews, Catholics, Muslims, nondenominational Christians - and I agree with all of them. I attend Jewish shabbat services, traditional Christian masses, energetic Pentecostal worship services. I visit God when I do yoga in the forest. There is no tradition that completely satisfies me. Rather, I visit and learn from many people.

Mormonism is my spiritual home. I do not believe everything the LDS Church teaches, and I do not agree with all of its policies. But it is my home. I did not choose it; it chose me.

Nevertheless, I am no longer simply a young Mormon woman. This blog is no longer about the life and lessons of a true-believing Mormon convert.

The Mormon waters are rough. I love the Church, but it is not all that I love. I experience and learn form many teachers. I want this to be a place where I can write about all the places I find God - not just the Mormon places, and maybe even not just the Christian places.

Because of this, I have decided to relaunch as “Sacred Sprinkles.” This is a place where sprinkles are holy and heaven is found in a bowl (or cone) of ice cream. God is everywhere. Let’s not limit God. Let’s believe that God will show up wherever God sees fit. Let’s learn from God everywhere - in churches, in synagogues, in mosques, in temples. God is not confined to our temples or our churches. God is sprinkled all over this great big world.

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